
i just got done with my first day of classes which was surprisingly really really good. really long but i´m hopeful too. the ethnicity one in the morning is going to be good (although two thirds of the class are extranjeras from germany) and the argentine art history one, although almost unbearably long is exicting because we get to spend the next three classes in the bellas artes museum instead of the classroom. its a little ridiculous that i´m taking an upper level art history seminar in spanish when i´ve only ever taken one art history class ever and don´t know what any of the terms mean but i guess that´s what makes it fun. and tomorrow i have a job interview!


Deborah Mifflin said...

well, i think you better start realizing that liking germans might be part of your fate

and here's a good site for art history terms in English anyway http://www.artlex.com/

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelly Anne:
What an amazing year you've had...i just read through the last couple of postings, and the pics of your place, and the adventures you've had....how meraviglioso (that's Italian for mahvelous, as Billy Crystal would say, before your time?) : ) Look forward to reading more.

Love, Lisa