we went to playa blanca, a beach a few hours from cartagena, for a few days with linda and andreas (caroline´s friends from high school) who are funny. the beach was the carribean so turquoise and beautiful and we slept in hammocks under the stars(which is not as romantic as it sounds. mostly it´s just freezing and windy and your legs and arms go numb and you wake up at 7 am to toothless ladies screaming ¨ensalada de fruuuta¨ in your sleepy face and not leaving for 10 minutes even when you breathe bad breath on them and tell them you can´t eat fruit when you are asleep so why are they insisting.) but it was kind of really touristy there of course and the vendors were crazy and wouldn´t leave us alone and we ran out of money because everyone felt bad if they weren´t good tourists buying lots of things all the time. and i thought i couldn´t take it anymore but we couldn´t find any boats to take us back to cartagena so instead i went snorkling and saw the most beautiful fish i´ve ever seen in my life and almost got washed out to sea because i couldn´t take my face out of the water for hours they were so amazing. then i sat on the beach with watercolors and painted five year old pictures of fish and all of the people selling stuff stopped and watched me and told me the names of all the fish i drew and i painted fish tattoos on them and they told me one day they would marry me and my eyes.
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