carnaval is basically over now and i didnt take any pictures cause i think it was pretty certain that my camera would be robbed if i took it out of the house. we spent most of it in barranquilla which is one of colombia´s biggest cities and really trashy and ugly but friendly and now we´re in Taganga, a fishing town on the coast where the people are even friendlier. so we spent a bunch of days in barranquilla with a colombian couple Ronnie y Ladeies and the sweetest baby i´ve ever seen Ronnie Jr. there were lots of parades with dancing and funny costumes but mostly it was just realy sponsored and there were also lots of trucks with dancing naked women advertising beer or headache medicine (colombia has the most breast implants of anywhere because plastic surgery is really cheap) and the official stuff didn´t really feel at all like a festival for the people, you had to pay to sit in a chair and watch the parade and you had to pay to go to any of the tent parties afterwards, actually the official slogan of the carnival is ¨quien lo vive es quien lo goza¨which means that you only can enjoy it if you spend a lot of money. but when you got away from that part the streets were full of people and every single house had 10 or 20 people sitting outside on the porches dancing or listening to music at the bars on the corner. so leideis and ronnie took us to the south where the used to live and we all danced and they all laughed at us for not being suave enough and we learned the stories of their lives (they are black market perfume makers among other things) and then they told us that we were their only friends and asked us to come back in june for the baptism and be Ronnie´s godparents and that was kind of weird and sad but mostly we just had fun together and spent all day yesterday at the beach with the baby trying caribbean sweets and eating fish. on our way to taganga we met some argentinian guys and split a cab there and then we got there and every hostel was full so we are staying in their place now which is on the top of a hill overlooking the town in this giant domed house made made of palm leaves in the indigenous style. some italian man built it for vacations but then he got sick and went back to italy so now it´s for us and we really lucked out and it´s only $2.50 each. i´m only writing all these things because i´ve been waiting hours for some pictures to load but it looks like it´s not going to happen. i go back to bogota on saturday and then even bigger things start to happen like school and parents and moving. that is really soon!