Today 4 good things happened:
1. I got a gas stove!
2. They put thick curtains on my windows
3. I learned how to use the metro and walked around a lot and developed a little bit of a map of the city
4. I went to el Museo de Arte Contemporaneo.
And 2 bad things happened:
1. The U. Chile refuses to call me KellyAnne and everything related to them, including my id and class registration will just say Kelly Mifflin. The lady and I got in an argument which was very confusing because it was in spanish and I had not eaten any food yet and she made me feel stupid for saying it was important to me and said it was all relative and here they use only one name. so goodbye, Anne.
2. I could not find chickpeas anywhere, or even a supermarket with more than 25 items. also, i guess since it's winter here, there is no fruit or produce anywhere. But I did manage to cook my first meal tonight! rice with carrots and avocado and tunafish.
This is sort of what some of the streets look like around where I live:

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