
It was warm and sunny today so I intentionally got myself lost and found lots of exciting things, like:
-an Indian food restaurant
-ceramic classes
-an eggplant tree
-a recycled clothing store
-a huge supermarket with lots of food nearby
-a video store
-a lot of orange and lemon trees that will soon be ripe
-lots of good looking produce stands
-a poinsetta that was a tree
-really nice grafitti
-a huge hill that was a park full of young people who all like to smoke, stare at me, make out, or all three at once.
I read for a while in the park and then i looked up and there were the Andes! The picture doesn't do them justice at all but when you look up and the clouds have cleared and you realize that is what was behind them, it is really exciting.

I suddenly had this huge urge that I had to get close to them so i walked towards them for maybe an hour and a half or 2 hours through all of the wealthy suburbs and then turned around to come back thinking I was totally lost but somehow ended up at the grocery store near my house that I wanted to buy things at. So i bought a lot of food and now I am really excited to eat it.

And I made one friend. He is one of those people who is obsessed with meeting foreign people and learning english from them but he's very nice and it will be good to know someone.

(LOCE is what the big students protests this spring were about. There are also stencils of penguins everywhere which I finally figured out is because it was called "Rebelion de los pinguinos")

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