i made my own soy milk! and soy dulce de leche. and seitan. and three batches of cookies and bread and potato soy mayonaise and lunch and dinner pretty much every day. being a housewife is sort of fun when you also have someone else's mom to do all the cleaning and grocery shopping and don't have to be married.
and fede has a radio show called siempre libre every night for one hour that i've been going to with him and talking on and on wednesday we did a hiphop special and i brought music and his friend Akiles (who's 19 years old or something but really really really serious about hiphop and fighting for what it stands for and giving it a bigger place in patagonia and argentina and constructed his own studio in his bedroom and produces cds and music videos and documentaries about breakdancing and all sorts of projects...)came and talked and freestyled and played some music from his group Templo Under and even though i was really nervous speaking in spanish on the radio it was great!
what else? last weekend was nice and sunny so we went to the beach on saturday and camped there for a night. it was really beautiful with great tide pools and sleeping next to the water is always nice.
this weekend is mother's day (father's day is the same date as in the us but mother's day is inversed, so essentially the same day seasonally just not by month....) so that means that they are having a big asado with all the family at his grandmother's house on sunday, so maybe i'll see if i can stay for that since it sounds fun and then next week get up the energy to leave and go to mendoza. oh yeah and i started going to the gym with his mom and its at the chilean immigrants center with 20 other women doing funny dances and pelvic thrusts and weight lifting to music. its pretty fun!
these are some of the recipes if you're interested
SOY MILK is soo easy!
i soaked 1/2 kilo (i guess 1 lb) of soy beans over night.
Then i blended 1 cup beans with 2.5 c water and repeated until i had blended all the beans. I put it all in a big pot and cooked it for about half hour. (i think you could cook first and then blend too, maybe easier). Then with a cloth napkin as a filter over a jar i poured the mix, letting the milk go through and the bean pulp stayed in the napkin and then i squeezed it to make sure all the milk got out. it tastes a little funky plain but heated up with vanilla and suger was delicious and also with melted chocolate. and the bean pulp is good if you blend it with garlic and olive oil to make soy mayo or formed into patties for burgers
and with the milk you can make DULCE DE LECHE!!!!
this made one jam jar
1 liter soy milk
1/4 kilo (1 3/4 cups) brown sugar
1/4 tsp baking soda
5 drops vanilla extract
cook the milk in a big pot until it boils. when boiling add the baking soda and sugar. bring it to a boil again, and then cover but so that some steam can escape, stirring to make sure that its not burning. then basically wait about 1.5 hours until it gets to a spreadable jamlike consistency. turn off the heat, add vanilla, put in jars immediately when hot. yum!
so i figured out the secret to vegan cookies made with oil. you have to use some sort of blended fruit to get the right consistency. i've used (about 1/2 cup) banana, pear, apple (sauce), zucchini! or avocado and they all work really well especially zucchini and banana.
1/2 c oil
3/4 c brown sugar
1/2 c blended fruit
1.5 c flour (or oatmeal)
1.5 c carob in powder like flour (called algarroba in spanish)
1.5 tsp baking powder
chocolate chips
chopped nuts
raisins etc!
most important is to blend oild sugar and fruit first then slowly add flour and everything else. spoon into circles on a greased baking sheet and cook 10 minutes.
ok i think thats enough.